Are ADHD, bipolar, dyslexia, allergies, asthma, eczema, aspergers, giftedness and alcoholism related? - bipolar and eczema
I was wondering, because they are all in my family and my friends seem to work.
Are ADHD, bipolar, dyslexia, allergies, asthma, eczema, aspergers, giftedness and alcoholism related? - bipolar and eczema
I was wondering, because they are all in my family and my friends seem to work.
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YES. Of course they are linked. Autoimmune diseases together. If you are on the genetic counseling that I ask all these things. Neurological disorders are closely linked.
bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum
Both have low levels of serotonin
Dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders
Both compounds have abnormal frontal lobes of dendrites and axons Booster
Giftedness is a common complication of dyslexia and Asperger's Syndrome
ADHD is frequently diagnosed in bipolar children
Allergies, asthma, eczema and alcoholism are autoimmune diseases, which can lead to this list of IBS, colitis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc. Add
My family and my husband's family have all these things that have happened are exteme cases, almost all of them:
bipolar mother because of a disability, has a crowd of several drugs, including Mellaril antipschotics Seroquel, Risperdal, Klonopin, and Ativan several anxiolytics, mood stabilizers, Lamictal more SIL (sister) because of a disability, depokote, Xanex, Ativan, Lamictal, Risperdal and ZyprexaA MIL (mother), men (not medical)
ADHD-brother, the brother of the man
I visuospatial dyslexia reading level of serious 3rd The sister
Eczema son used high doses of steroids per day, the niece of the
Colitis-MIL, BIL and rupture of the colon 23 years
Recovering alcoholic father, you have one, CCDA FIL (father), has 3 DUI, including injuries
Asthma brother, yes, the son of all plans, all treatments with a nebulizer
Self-test IQ Gifted 147-163, the father of 158, brother 148, brother 142, the man of 147 Uncle 168,151
Anaphylactic Allergy, mother, sister, son, niece, were all Epipen all hospitalized
seasonal allergic rhinitis, all
of autism spectrum disorders:
my father's age Asperger's dx 3 Hyperlexia
Age PDD.NOS my brother DX 10
DX PDD.NOS my age, the son of 25 months
PDD.NOS my other son / Asperger DX 9 months
DX PDD.NOS my niece, aged 24 months
My SIL LFA (low-functioning autism) dx 4 years 4 years is currently 35 years institutionalized
As yousee all members of the immediate family. I shared stories with many families with autism, and they are usually quite similar.
Not really. technically not even be related. Well, at least not alchoholism, allergies, asthma and atopic dermatitis. bi-polar is not good.
However, ADHD and dyslexia can work well together. It is not uncommon for students with ADD or ADHD also have other learning disabilities, including dyslexia. I myself had ADD and discalcliua, a form of dyslexia, which affects my ability to process number (instead of words).
Asperger syndrome is a very serious disability and is almost always on your own, not with other disabilities, but I can say that very often people who have other disabilities.
ADHD, bipolar disorder, dyslexia, etc., psychological problems, including the interpretation of the reading and writing (dyslexia, ADHD) and suddenly changes moods (bipolar), while allergies are something that can not accept the body. Asthma is a kind of respiratory problem. They see no connection between them.
Alcoholism, but as not really fair that you get to drink as much beer and too addictide dyslexia, that was the hood allergy very sad child means, it means that you sneeze or conjested if you are allergect something so basic summaries are not all of them from various diseases that people have
I would say that is ADHD, Asperger Syndrome and Giftedness relating to children because ADHD children are often smart, they are difficult to focus their energy on one thing .... Children with Asperger syndrome may be very intelligent, but with social problems which invest with them to achieve their potential .....
You are not to alcoholism, it's just a coincidence that she had been drinking. Some of these features appear in the families that were well expressed, whether or not someone has been drinking cause during pregnancy.
Yes, many of these diseases combined. I remember a chart showing how they are all connected again.
Yes, many of these diseases combined. I remember a chart showing how they are all connected again.
My husband and son are severely dyslexic. Thus, his uncle and aunt on one side of my husband, too.
No, they are all different. Only a specialist who can development really say what the child and perhaps why. If you have children and have a high risk of earlier in the family, who will remain a hit-n-miss, if a child does not have the same problem, or should have, I know what you ask / worried.
If you are afraid of you and your fiance, wait until you are married, then genetic testing by a doctor to see what all they have. So I learned that the DiGeorge syndrome, from a variety of other things that work in the family.
My first son died at 3 months because I had my worst syndrome. I have a mild case.
Mein 2 born after miscarrage is perfectly healthy and has the syndrome have heart problems.
Miscarrage after another, a child with this syndrome when they operate on heart defect by a closed circuit-ring, which was supposed to disappear, born after her, and did not. SThere is now good for 3 years. The oldest is now the 5th
This is really not a bad idea to be examined by a geneticist to see what is before you start with children. They would be better prepared than me, because I want to know in advance so they can make better decisions.
After the last child was born with DiGeorge Syndrome, I had my fallopian tubes to prevent more children with DiGeorge too. My family wanted to remain with children until I had children, but I told them to go, because the f *** my health is more important. And the two girls who survived the needs of a mother. :)
Good luck!
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