Friday, January 29, 2010

Videos Xxx De Famosas Is Watching Xxx Videos That Bad?

Is watching xxx videos that bad? - videos xxx de famosas

I got married last 6 months. my husband always complaining that they do not get satisfaction. I was depressed. I started to watch videos on utube xxx and are quickly addicted. One day my husband found his theme. angry and fought with me. Verbal and accuse me of having bad character.
You see xxx videos that bad? I've never seen anything like this before marriage. How can I explain this to my husband?


Pratap said...

See videos xxx is not so bad ...

shud do, but with the attitude of learning and not as an entertainment ...

Especially the first 15 minutes is very exciting ...

then see a movement to and fro like an internal combustion engine of a vehicle ... is boring ... to observe how the pendulum of a clock ... is the sooner it ends the sooner you get away!

So my advice would be like this ...
... Do not touch her husband for 3 months and say this and ask for your understanding ... to avoid physical contact with casual ... and after 3 months with him in the bed of wrestling ... Look in his eyes .. . and yyyyoooooo! ... This time, the two can not sleep all night ... Everything is done automatically and strong!

Forgot your two, not you, that experience for the next 3 months!

So take my word! And what I say! And stop things that makes no sense!

All the best!

mariekit... said...

How strange that your husband thinks you're not evil and are usually is not the opposite true? In any case, yes, I think it is wrong. the only way you should think of / look at sex is yours. Some people, including the teaching of the Bible that if you believe in him, she says, someone wants in your heart that the spouse is adultery. I'm going against the masses in my opinion, however. Most couples seem to see nowadays porn during the marriage, but does not believe that their right. The fact that complain HES is not happy, is another story ... this is terrible. Why the hell he is not happy? I do not blame you become depressed, and I want to get some books on the topic, and couple counseling. Someone with experience, the information can be obtained by you and a neutral third party would be helpful for both of you what is right, what's wrong and how to communicate better with sympathy.

†Evonne† said...

Yes, it is a sin.

Lust Porn = = = = No slave of sin = death for adultery

Matthew 5:28
But I say that anyone who even looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Romans 1:26
For this reason God gave them over to shameful lusts. For their women exchanged the natural use into that which is not normal.

Romans 1:27
In the same way also the men's natural relations with women and burned in their desire to leave each other. Men committed indecent acts with other men received, and in itself the reward for their mistakes.

-Ephesians 4:19
After examining all the lost sensitivity, the sensibility that has been delivered to engage in any kind of impurity, with a constant desire more.

-Colossians 3:5
Sentenced to death, so regardless of your earthly nature belongs to: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed that is idolatry.

-1 Peter 4:3
In order to have sufficient time to do in the past, what do the Gentiles in their lives spentDebauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.

-2 Peter 2:18
For the empty mouth to speak great things and using lustful desires of sinful human nature, people, people who live in the mistaken flight came to win.

1. John 2:16
For those who lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the boasting of what he has, and no, not Santa, but the world.

Again, like Porn = = = = No slave of sin = death for adultery

-John 8:34
Jesus replied: "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

Romans 6:16
Do not you know that when you have someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves who obey him, if you are slaves of sin unto death or of obedience leading to righteousness?

Jose' said...

See if it helps your marriage and start to have IS * with him a great man, but you can watch videos with him. this is probably wrong with the situation, or never to watch a video. tell him and ask what do not see any other couple. all these people quoting the Bible, far from the first day, everyone had *, but was never taken into account in the Bible, thats because I did not want or know. But in reality they are to be in it and who knows, may also have side effects, Wil weird and fun.

Jez W said...

No its not too bad, most if not all people look at some porn, some will continue because they enjoy it, others do not,
They love what is normal for you, no one has the right to say what is normal and what is not normal for you, because everyone is different,
only say that he was not a question, something had to give incentives to

REALLY said...

Personally, I am what the Bible teaches. watching porn makes you want to Ca wrong in our lives. They can not see now, but it came out of nowhere and you and / or your spouse have an affair. sounds silly, I know, I thought, before I had given my life to Christ. I do not take it seriously, but seriously. Please reconsider your actions. Thank you and a beautiful day.
God bless you and your family

REALLY said...

Personally, I am what the Bible teaches. watching porn makes you want to Ca wrong in our lives. They can not see now, but it came out of nowhere and you and / or your spouse have an affair. sounds silly, I know, I thought, before I had given my life to Christ. I do not take it seriously, but seriously. Please reconsider your actions. Thank you and a beautiful day.
God bless you and your family

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