Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Waxing Yeast Infection What Is The Sign Of A Yeast Infection In A Dogs Ear?

What is the sign of a yeast infection in a dogs ear? - waxing yeast infection

I researched on the Internet through fungal infections in the ear of my dog and agree somethings but not others. He shakes his head very much, always on his feet, ears, smell, and when I clean my ears is black, sometimes brown wax build. I clean my ears every day and still has extreme amount to build. Is this a yeast infection?


Homefron... said...

Shaking his head several times
Scratching excessivly
To wax or viscous drainage

If you www.ehow.com dogs yeast infection, which has a great article about a home remedy to help clean look. Not that I would not recommend making a vet, no error, but still does not hurt to read the article!

Jen J said...

In any case, sounds like yeast. Sounds serious, but they have a good sense of smell. The yeast has a very characteristic odor.

It is a liquid product called Health gentian violet ear cleaner. If you can not find locally, so that through the Internet (www.k9rawdiet.com). This material retains control of the yeast in very easily and is the best ear cleaner I've ever seen.

Second, you want your vet to take a good overview of the ears. Give them can do a good cleaning action itself (your vet, but I still think it's better than the owner can do for your dog - less scary for your pet) and let your vet a glance. They want to be sure that require only the yeast and not a serious infection deep in May antibiotics.

If it's just yeast, then use clean the ear and see how it goes. If you are searching for recurring themes of the yeast, then it is time to add probiotics and wheat and sugar from the diet because they are often the main cause of ear yeast.

Good luck

Carol B said...

This is known as ear mites, I'm focusing in veterinary med. Depending on the severity of the itch if your ear is the ear is black, some have Vet Med If it's just a small black coffee, and you can go a pet store to buy an ear with a clean cotton cloth and disadvantages of a drug dog ear mites overcounter a pet. Well, if this opinion does not improve within a week. Do not wait any longer than a week, you must bring your dog to the vet is more likely that it is a deeper infection of the ear mites.

sunstar said...

It is obvious that your dog has either a yeast or bacteria (probably both), ear infection and need to go to the vet. They sit at the computer examines the question will not help. The research to identify what type of infection have resolved or the delivery of antibiotics to the problem.
Ear infections are painful. Take the dog to the vet.

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